Terms and Conditions


Please be aware that the prices displayed at checkout are only references and approximate prices as prices are prone to changes. Please contact us for the most accurate prices or check and confirm the order that will be sent to your email after we receive your order.

Exchange and Refund policy

All claims must be made within 14 days of receiving item. We do not refund products based on change of preference, it must be either faulty or damaged in order for us to do so.


All customers are expected to collect their orders from our warehouse as well as pay on collection at the expected time.


If you would like for our staff to make a delivery, please contact us to check whether you meet the following criteria to be eligible:
• Total sum of the order is over $1000
• Possible travel distance
*Please note that we will impose additional charges if the delivery order consists of mainly local items such as plasticwares and cater wraps+ foil

If you are a business from interstate, we would send an invoice through email when we have finished assembling it. You would be expected to pay for the order before collection/ delivery and then after we receive payment, we would either organise the delivery (if you ask us to) or let you know the pallet details so you’ll be able to organise it yourself. If the collection is self-organised, please let us know when it would be done for ease of organisation on our part.